Titular: January 17th Seminar - “Microbiome and cancer”

Next 17th January, Jose Antonio Lopez, Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit Oncology, Hospital 12 de Octubre, will give the seminar “Microbiome and cancer”.

This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute at 12:00h.

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.

Come and join us!

PDF Seminar

January 24 th Seminar - “Developing new drugs on the fight against pediatric cancer”

Next 24th January, Lucas Moreno, Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit Oncology, Hospital 12 de Octubre, will give the seminar “Microbiome and cancer”.

This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute at 12:00h.

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.

Come and join us!

PDF Seminar

January 14th - Seminar “From phenotypic screens to the structure of a small molecule bound to its target, and the challenges beyond”.

Next 14th January, Sonia Laín, Professor of Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology in Karolinska Institute will give the seminar “From phenotypic screens to the structure of a small molecule bound to its target, and the challenges beyond”.

This seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the IMDEA Food Institute at 12:00h.

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.

Come and join us!

Seminar 14 january

18 de enero – Lectura de tesis de Silvia Cruz Gil “Alteraciones del metabolismo lipídico en el cáncer colorrectal: potencial relevancia clínica en el pronóstico de la enfermedad”.

El próximo viernes 18 de enero, nuestra doctoranda Silvia Cruz Gil presentará su tesis “Alteraciones del metabolismo lipídico en el cáncer colorrectal: potencial relevancia clínica en el pronóstico de la enfermedad” en el salón de actos de Imdea Alimentación a las 12.00h.

El acceso es libre y no requiere de registro previo.

Tesis Silvia Cruz

10 de enero – Lectura de tesis de Victor Mico

El próximo jueves 10 de enero, nuestro investigador predoctoral Victor Mico presentará su tesis “Effect of a caloric restriction based on the Mediterranean diet and intake of traditional Mediterranean foods on the expression of microRNAs regulating molecular processesassociated with aging”. La presentación tendrá lugar en el salón de actos del instituto Imdea Alimentación a las 11.30h.

El acceso es libre y no requiere de registro previo.

Tesis Victor Mico

VOUSSE un nuevo alimento saludable desarrollado a partir de residuos alimentarios en el proyecto europeo FOODIO

El proyecto FOODIO ha premiado al mejor producto lácteo sostenible y saludable desarrollado a partir de los residuos derivados de la industria alimentaria. VOUSSE ha sido selecccionado entre cuatro propuestas innovadoras desarrolladas por 40 estudiantes europeos en el marco del programa EIT Food, un consorcio europeo que apoya iniciativas innovadoras para transformar la alimentación del futuro.

FOODIO , Food Solutions Master Class, es un proyecto educativo coordinado por la Universidad de Helsinki en el que participan; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Instituto IMDEA Alimentación, Universidad de Hohenheim, TECHNION - Instituto Tecnológico de Israel, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y tres empresas de la industria alimentaria del consorcio EIT Food como son Acesur, Valio y Herbstreith & Fox. El programa de mentoring FOODIO, Food...

European students develop new sustainable food solutions from side streams in EIT Food project

The FOODIO project rewards the best healthy dairy product based on plant-based side streams from the food industry. VOUSSE has been chosen among four innovative proposals developed by 40 European students under the EIT Food programme, a pan-European consortium that focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.

The FOODIO, Food Solutions Master Class is an education project coordinated by the University of Helsinki in consortium with Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), IMDEA Food Institute, University of Hohenheim, TECHNION - Technological Institute of Israel and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)) and 3 food companies, Acesur, Valio and Herbstreith&Fox.

The FOODIO mentoring program has been undertaken throughout 2018, involving 40 undergraduate, master's and doctoral students from four European...